Sunday, April 3, 2011

Making Easter (kinda) Cookies

The day upon which I learned that 4 years old is not old enough to leave alone with the sprinkles.

Yesterday we made some cookies. Also yesterday, Jake found a four leaf clover! I can hear you now, "nuh-uh!" To which I say, "Yeah-huh!" We were puttering about in the backyard, I was pulling weeds, Abigail was inspecting all the wonderful little things of this world, Jake... I'm not sure what Jake was doing. Abigail wants to know if this little bunch of clovers is a weed. Jake tell here that yes, they are and starts telling her about four leaf clovers. She says, let's look for one! He's all like, nahh... we're not going to find one. I've never found one in my life. They're like one in a million. She pleads some more. He hesitates and protests. She pleads more. Daddy assesses the situation and sees that there are only about 30 clovers and relents. A second later I hear him saying, I FOUND ONE! I say, yeah right. He pauses and continues, I FOUND ONE! Me: Whatever. But my curiosity kicks in and I go over to look. Yes, he found a four leaf clover in our back yard. Jake and I were all excited, it being the first real one we've seen (yes, we know probably about half of you have found one) and we're taking pictures and stuff and Abigail was watching us trying to figure out why we're so excited- her first experience with clovers is that finding a four leaf one in a tiny sampling is easy to do! So now we are pressing the clover and deciding what to do with it later. That was fun.

That afternoon we were planning on making the cookies, we had made the dough the day before and we were ready to cut them out. Last week my friend Mary gave us a bunch of cookie cutters she didn't need anymore, over doubling our cutter collection. Ever since then Abigail has been very keen on using them. So anyway, we cut out the cookies using a variety of seasonal cutters, including a four leaf clover (how appropriate), snowflakes, gingerbread people, angels, a mitten, several pigs, teddy bears, owls, and some Easter related ones too. Then last night Abigail and I frosted and decorated a lot of them, doing the rest today. I left Abigail unsupervised for some, and those cookies definitely turned into a pile of sugar. But "It's okay, Daddy can eat them."

Making cookies attire. My mom made Abigail this very cute apron that matches the one for she made for me, but is was dirty at the time.

Another shout out- those cookie cutters are drying on a beautiful quilted drying towel that Betsy made me for my birthday. Too bad you can't see it very well... I foresee a picture of the towel in my blog's future.

 soooo excited!

Some of these awesome frosting colors are from the special neon food dye Courtney gave me for Christmas, Thanks Court!

*pile of sugar*

1 comment:

Carissa said...

Our boys LOVE to do this activity. Love it. And Josias is so not trusted with the sprinkles.