Friday, April 22, 2011

5 things about 4.5 year olds

Perhaps 4.5 year old girls in particular. These are things we read in a book about 4 year olds know by experience.

But first of all, let me say that today is Good Friday. The day about 2000 years ago that the Good and Righteous God Man sacrificed himself for us, in love for us. Why did He have to die? Well, I heard a sermon this week that addressed that very question and I thought it was pretty good. It is about 20 minutes long if you want to listen to it, I hope it will bless you. Click here to listen. Click here to download it for your mp3 player.
It is called "Reflections on the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ" and is preached by Jake Hanson.

Back to 4.5 year olds...

They are old enough to:
1. Fill all the plastic Easter eggs for playgroup all by themselves.
2. Draw beautiful pictures of Easter eggs, all out of their heads.*
3. Convince their father on almost any night of the week to do something special- like play wii or go to the park or get a treat (donuts, ice cream or hot chocolate in particular) or just stay up late reading together.
4. Go put a letter in the mail box at the post office while their mom stands in line for other other postage. (Yes Grandma, within sight the whole time!)
5. Work the system to their advantage.*

They are not old enough to:
1. Remember and see the caterpillar box on the floor where they just put it, right where they are about to walk.*
2. Remember to pick up off the middle of the floor (right where their parents walk) their very special shell that they tenderly wash and love every day.*
3. Keep one outfit on the whole day.
4. Know they shouldn't ask a grown man, who is not their father, to tickle their mother.
5. Lose gracefully.*

The Fine Print
2. I admit, this is one of those unabashedly "look at how smart my kid is" proud moments:

 5. To be explained in a later post... as if it needed to be. But it does have to do with this:

1. Somehow Abigail knocked over the caterpillar cage when it was on the floor. The cage is almost as tall as her knees, so I'm not quite sure how it landed upside-down with enough force to crack the top in several places and spread dirt all over the floor and a little bit on the table and chair. This all happened just outside of my view and very quickly. It was followed by a brief moment of silence than then huge tears of worry for the little caterpillar, who somehow survived it's bath and had made itself a cocoon on the roof of the cage. Abigail is old enough to lie to try and stay out of trouble, but not old enough for us to not be able to tell by her eyes. She sticks to her story and the CSI team cannot put the pieces together. I guess it will be a cold case. In the mean time, we're not sure of the effects on the caterpillar/moth. We'll have to wait the three weeks to see if he comes out.

2. Said shell came from her archeological endeavors at my parent's house. It is frequently washed, along with several plastic gems and a marble, with soap and water- ever since Abigail found out about jewelry cleaner and I wouldn't let her use it for her gems. Unfortunately one parent, who shall not be named, stepped on the shell and broke it during one of our 18 hour power outages these past two weeks.

5. A bit competitive, I think. ANYtime she loses, she whines, "AHH! I NEVER win!" We're trying to fix that attitude...


Jonathan came over one afternoon and they had fun playing together again. Jonathan looks suspiciously taller than Abigail in this pictures, but I'm thinking he had his shoes on and Abigail didn't.

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