Sunday, April 24, 2011

"I'm NOT grumpy"...and neither am I

So, I know my wife is so funny...but I thought I would share this one. The regular act will be back soon.
Last night, I was trying to get Abigail to bed (yes, after doing 'something special' and staying up later reading or something as my wife has pointed out in previous posts). Abigail was throwing a bit of a fit over something, and so I explained we could not read any story tonight because "you are being grumpy." And then she got the look on this video below and said, "I am NOT grumpy. I'm never grumpy." She was sticking to her guns, so I thought I would take out my smart phone and take a video of her. This time with a bit of a smirk. Here it is:
People keep saying that Abigail is just like her mom...but could I just get one attribute that is like me? The grumpy one?
It reminds me a bit of the Christmas gift my parents once got me with a scroogey like duck on the front and the words, "I don't have an attitude." Never wore it out, though I did wear it as pajamas for a few years.
The next year, I thought it only fair to give my dad "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas." He didn't think it was that funny. Maybe I got the grumps from him. But we all know where Abigail got it from...yours truly. (The stubbornness and persistence are from mom).

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