Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dress Up

Abigail and I played a little dress up today. The funny thing about Abigail is that she has a strong personality bent toward engineer or organizer or analyzer or something in that category. She's frequently lining things up, sorting items or gathering objects during play. Earlier this morning she got out all the hair ties and head bands and other hair accessories and organized them by type and color. When we went to the science museum and they had a little paleontology/archeology exhibit where kids could pretend to uncover bones, she spent about a quarter of a second uncovering bones before moving on to a more fun activity- gathering all the abandoned brushes and sorting them into bins.  Ever so often she takes all the clothes out of her drawers, lays them flat, and groups them by type. Thankfully, she's now good at folding too and can put them back! Her favorite games to play right now are puzzles, card games (we take any card game and turn it into matching numbers), and memory. I think you see the picture!
All that to say, when Abigail dressed up she decided to put all her dress up clothes on at the same time! (the ones that would fit, anyway) I know she's not the only kid who does this, but I love the insight into her personality. The first picture is with two dresses on. When she put the third dress on, she said, "Why am I around?" The fourth picture, the 5th layer, is a cut off shirt from the YMCA and a skirt I made for myself an eon ago and put in her dress up box.

Reminds me of this time:

She dressed me up too, said I was lovely. What do you think? I might get blond highlights after seeing this!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I am scarred by this last picture....