Saturday, August 7, 2010

Big Girl

My big helper (and Daddy's too) in action:

Abigail: Can I PLEASE fold??
Me: Yes
Abigail: I think you are SO nice!
Me: I think YOU are so nice!
I promise you my three year old folded all these things. I got some of it on video for proof. Tried to put the video on, but alas we are missing one camera part- the charger battery, (did we leave it in Colorado or Texas??) which for some reason is required to use when downloading video to your computer.

Here is my latest attempt at being educational. My friend April is a nanny and MADE one of these calendars for Abigail's friend James.  It is really cool.  I thought about doing that... and then bought the kit.  I'm actually surprised by how much Abigail has grasped from talking about weeks and months. She is absolutely not an auditory learner, so this was great.

Next task is to make a picture outline of our day.  For some reason, time-space-continuum is a very hard concept for her. Like, the fact that before nap and after nap is all the same day. And night time is not nap time. And dinner and lunch are not interchangable. And 'tonight' she still doesn't get. "Is it in two days?" she asks. "No. Not TWOnight, but TOnight, like as in TOday," I try to explain. "This time?" "YES, today! But tonight, not right now." "But I thought we were going to Marys!" "Yes, that's this morning."  She doesn't get it. We need a picture.

Abigail enjoys dressing herself these days. Only problem is, she wasn't paying attention when I was doing it all these years. For example, she thinks that if she is wearing a white shirt, she should wear white leggings and white undies (see above). Everything the exact same color- because it matches, right? This outfit I made her put the skirt on top of the leggings. I certainly want to encourage her style and how well she is doing dressing herself... but I have to teach her a little bit too, right? Precious girl.

Here we were just having fun taking pictures. I'm learning!

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