Friday, August 13, 2010

Top Five Friday?

Recently I've been thinking of having a top five Friday... but seeing as how I'm not the most consistent person in the world, don't get your hopes up.  In the mean time...

Top five reasons to wear jeans with spandex in them:
1. If you buy the 'right' size, the first half day after washing your jeans you get to show off your undie lines
2. The rest of the day you get to have fun pretending you lost weight
3. Surely you are burning extra calories by pulling up your pants so often
4. Now they're so loose, you can finally 'accidentally' show off those special undies you bought
5. Tomorrow, you get to accessorize with a cute belt and decide where you want the jeans to pucker

Shout out to that girl I saw while driving the other day, sitting at a table with her jeans half way down her derrière and her undies way up. You were my inspiration.

I hope I didn't disappoint anyone who thought I was classy. Next week, the top five reasons to wear sunglasses!

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