Sunday, November 29, 2009

Forgot Some

Mommy, watch this!
Daddy, watch me!
Watch what I can do!
Watch me!
(followed by a feat of unbelievable talent, such as putting her tooth in the end of a straw or holding her first two fingers in scissor fashion to hold her lips apart or spinning around with her leg in the air or jumping onto her bed. Very precious talent indeed)

Daddy, that hurts my ears. I don't want it on. (about football)

My legs don't work- see? (when she doesn't want to walk but be held, with a show of walking slowly with her knees bent 90 degrees)

1 comment:

Gram said...

Of course, we know we have the most talented grandchild in the state of AL and we can't wait to see her (and her parents) in a few weeks now. XXXOOO