Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Five

Okay, so I realized almost none of my 'top five' lists were actual top fives. So decided to change it to the "Friday Five."

The five most repeated conversations in our family:

  1. me: "Abigail don't do that because you--" her (interrupting): "Why??!?" me: sigh.
  2. me: "Abigail, I don't want you to (fill in the blank)." her: "Why?" me: "Because (fill in the blank) will happen." her: "No it won't." me: "Well then, because I said so."
  3. Abigail, holding up her artwork: "Mama, isn't this beautiful?" me: "Oh yes, nice job!" her: "Why?" me: "Why what." her: "Why is it beautiful?"
  4. me: "Okay, Abigail you can (fill in the blank with something she likes to do) now!" her: "Why?" me: "Well, if you don't want to, we can certainly take it away!"
  5. me: some kind of imperative for Abigail. her, while not obeying the imperative, in ultra-whinny voice: "WwwWhhHYyy?!?!" me: "Because." her: "But you're not telling me why!!"
I sure hope she turns out smart.
And despite what I make it look like, I'm rather happy that she understands the word 'why' because I can ask her the same question and get a real answer! I'm afraid I had many a frustrating day when Abigail was smaller and did something and couldn't tell me why because she didn't understand the question. And I do enjoy answering her 'whys' when they are asked with a good attitude and with genuine curiosity!

(we went to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville in September on the Smithsonian Magazine Free Museum Day. It was so fun!)

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