Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Five: Wildlife

Today we encountered a lot of wildlife. Mostly because we went to a 'Barnyard Birthday Bash' for Abigail's friend Maggie. We went to a petting farm where most of the animals just share this large yard (the horses, cows and pigs are penned up).

1. One very nice, calm and patient pony! Although when I petted his mane, white got on my hands? What's that all about?

2. Two Donkeys. This is the first time we were at the petting farm and the donkeys were out roaming free. They were very nice and one gave us a few hee-haws for our listening pleasure.

3. Goats. Usually I'm a big fan of goats. The goats at this farm though... they're slightly annoying. They were still fun to pet and we got to feed them too! Sorry this isn't a great picture, I was trying to get a 'V' for my letter prints. Yeah, it didn't turn out so well. But I did get a 'V' from Donkey legs!


4. Does a bird's nest count as wildlife? We found this one on the ground at the farm and it seems that the birds flew the coop a long time ago. Bird nests are so cool.

5. Giant Praying Mantis. This thing was on the wall of our house when we came home. So cool. How big is it? Too big to fit inside a spaghetti sauce jar comfortably. We put her in a gallon container to keep until Daddy gets home. Abigail is currently looking for her (the mantis's) bug dinner!

Here is some of the human wild life from today:

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