Saturday, December 19, 2009


We have a long time professor, pastor and friend who always claims he is going to write a book on victimology. He is 'collecting' stories for it. Well, here is a portion of my chapter.

Have you ever had a dream and in that dream someone did something dreadful to you? Something that causes deep-seeded anger and resentment? For instance, stealing your last cookie? And then, have you woken up in your anger in the middle of the night, yelling at that person, when your emotions overcame you? My husband has. In fact, he did just the other night. Unfortunately, I believe I was the victim of this entirely fabricated story. However, I will never know as Jake never remembers what his dreams are in the morning. That is why I always have to press him at the time he wakes me up with his shouting or shaking or pushing or jumping (yes jumping) to tell me what his dream was about. Anyway, the other night I woke up to my husband angerily shouting, "What do you want me to do?!!? HUG YOU?!?!" I quickly figured out that he was sleep talking and even quicker became very offended and angry (a fault of mine- I easily get angry at offenses when I'm half asleep) at the reason behind this outburst. I said something that of course I don't remember except that it was to the point and not so nice. He didn't hear me and instead carried on his conversation in a rather angry voice, "Well that's what I'm here for!!" "Ugh!" I said and turned back over to go to sleep. Like normal, Jake has no recollection of this outburst- but that means I can tease him endlessly about it. Don't worry, my dear readers, this is nothing like my husband's normal temperament. Although the night before we had watched a House, MD episode where a husband had frontal-lobe inhibition (I think this was the right term for the tv doctors) where he couldn't lie... maybe Jake got some of that truth serum?

Here I must own up that I too, have had dreams in which people have offended me deeply. When I wake up, it's really hard to let go of the emotions, even though my head knows that I made up the story myself. Isn't that crazy?

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