Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What a difference a year makes!

My sweet Abigail is three years old today!

I treasure her as she is right now and often think, how can I make sure I remember all these little moments? Like what it feels like when her little hand reaches up to hold mine. The look on her face when she tickles me. The smell (thats right, I'm a smell person) and feel of her little cheek when I kiss her. I know that it is impossible to remember most of it, so I try to treasure it all I can as it happens.

Abigail hides every single night before she goes to bed. But she tells you where she's going to hide before she does. For weeks, she hid on the rocking chair with a pillow or blanket on top of her. Last week and this week, her new favorite place to hide is the stuffed animal box. In case you are wondering, it is really hard to come up a with a different reason 25 days running for why you can't find Abigail... (now that I think about it- why did we think she'd care if it was different?)

Last night Jake and Abigail waved goodbye to the 'terrible' twos. But we loved them!

1 comment:

Gram said...

We wish our Darlin', Sweet Princess Abigail and Happy, Happy
3rd Birthday and wish we could be with her to give her hugs and kisses.

Gram and Gramps XXXOOO