Monday, September 7, 2009

Some good ones


Abigail found a deceased millipede, curled up like they do, and came to Jake with it in her hand, saying, "Look! It was running away! It was disobeying. Big no-no."

We had dinner with the Mizes and Abigail was mommying Jonathan, as usual (he is 9 months younger). They held hands as they got out of the cars and began to walk across the parking lot, but as soon as Abigail saw they were in the street, she turned around and dragged Jonathan back to a safe place next to our car, "Be careful cars Jonnahtan." Later, he tried to take a book that she had and she said sweetly but intently, "We not take things away." A minute later she grabbed a napkin and wiped his nose.

As we were getting Abigail into bed she turned and looked behind me with a surprised expression and exclaimed, "Look at my clock! It's time to read a book!"

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