Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cookie Time

Having decided that:

Changing one bank account to joint (how was this not done before?), closing two other bank accounts, opening a new credit card, transferring old credit card, finishing work on photos for a large important photo client that has to be done TODAY, prepping for a large, imminent craft sale (including appliqueing 50 dish clothes among other things), trying to fix an $10 account issue with the applique website, trying to finish joining phone and internet accounts (for us the landlords who are out of the country and not able to) that have old, faulty and messed up records that an hour on the phone with customer service can't fix in order to get a monthly savings of $18 and making important decisions about it that effects the landlords while I can't be talking to everyone in real time, after starting all this: totaling my car, dealing with totaling the car, fixing insurance problems and getting police records to fax for the non-guilty party, looking for a new car, and trying to be a good mom and wife

all in one week was probably a good reason to feel a little stressed, I sat down and ate a cookie. (and complained about it in a blog)

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