Monday, June 6, 2011

We're feeling just orangey

We're feeling just peachy orangey

I'm tempted here to rant about the rating given to the movie Rango (see previous post), but I will just give this word of warning. What the previews do not show at all, but what consumes the movie is: cursing, lots of violence, kidnapping, racial and religious slurs, attempted suicide, large over protruding bosoms (on animals), shooting, children playing with guns, hangings, drownings (near and complete), drinking, lots of smoking, glorifying of murder, disturbingly treatment of a kidnapped female character- snake licking cheek with sexual overtones (if there were more actions like this I don't know, because I had to take Abigail out of the theater), and just a dark tone of death. It is rated PG, and we looked at trailers before going, but shame on us for not reading reviews first and trusting the rating system to be more trustworthy. Like I said, I had to take Abigail out at one point because it was so scary and disturbing, even to me! The animation is simply outstanding. But that only makes all the terrible stuff more realistic!

That reminds me of something that happened to me the other day. I was innocently driving a down a residential road that has frequent stop signs. I was behind a person who makes two stops at every sign, that's right, I said TWO. They stop at the line, roll a bit and stop again. So I was driving behind them, doing a really good job about not getting impatient- in fact my thoughts were more absorbed with trying to figure out the thinking behind this bizarre behavior. At the last stop I kind of grinned to myself thinking, well that's a two stopper, probably won't ever see that again! When it was my turn I started through the intersection, only to have the person across from me start turning left, straight toward my car, and honking at me (I feel like adding 'rather loudly' here, as if there were any other way to honk). *At this point, I stopped the car, rolled down my window and nicely informed the male driver that his turn signal wasn't working, even though I figured he just hadn't turned it on. He was thankful and we both went on our merry ways.* Okay, alright, that's what I should have done. Replace the sentence between the stars with this, the actual response: *At this point, I freaked out, stopping in the middle of the (small) intersection and quickly grew very angry, making large mouthings and throwing my arms wildly around in the universally unrecognized sign for, "TURN ON YOUR TURN SIGNAL YOU DUMMY!" And made my feelings more known by honking (rather loudly) back at the rude man. Several times, if I remember correctly. I stepped on the gas and we both went on in our hot-headed, mean-thinking ways.*

So this kind of thing always gets me thinking about Abigail and what kind of example I am to her. Obviously, I was not a very good one then. She was very curious about the matter, as you can imagine, and I was able to quickly admit my wrong in the situation.  It is very humbling that my daughter thinks that everyone who does me wrong (especially while driving) is probably not a good person (wrong), and therefore, not a Christian (wrong). We have had discussions about this time and again, but mostly unfortunately, she still thinks that mostly I can do no wrong (though she has head knowledge that I do sin) and that I know everything. I know, this will change rather drastically all too soon but it doesn't change the fact that it gives great importance to my example for her now. Not only in character, but in how to drive too! I inherited a mixed bag of how to drive from my parents. My mom is a very cautious driver, sometimes too cautious, but she can definitely get out there when needed. My dad is crazy aggressive, and I believe he really does think that driving is a race, but he is definitely thinking through all the possibilities and situations: Who might suddenly change lanes, where to be that you always have an out if something unexpected happens, which route is faster, etc. So I got my mom's cautiousness (like checking over my shoulder every time, even when I know no one is there) and my dad's aggressiveness (Abigail often says driving is like a race 'though you can't race when driving' and that certain cars are slow-poke drivers).  Now I just need to always remember that Abigail is learning how to drive RIGHT NOW.

But seriously, we are just peachy.

1 comment:

Carissa said...

I was glad to read this -- it got me thinking about the 'role model' I am for the boys.....ick! :-)

I'm so sorry that y'all had that movie experience.