Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oh! She is three!

A couple of days after Abigail's third birthday, she sat (or rather, laid) down and came out with this, her first 'real' drawing!! How funny it is when your child can, all of the sudden, draw people as if they had been drawing them for a long time.

I wrote down what she said each object was. It was so fun to see her create these things! I haven't seen any more real drawings yet, so these are all the more precious. Please take special notice of the portrait of me.

To those of you who gave Abigail gifts for her birthday- the thank you notes are still in the writing stage! My time is currently eaten up by preparing photo notecards to sell at an upcoming craft sale at my mom's hospital, but you will see the thank you notes soon!


CHA said...

I LOVE the drawings. I'm not sure why you felt the need to label them... I certainly could have figured out which one was Mommy! ;) Very cute.

Gram said...

I really like the shot from behind of our Dolly sashaying in her blue dress. What a beauty and a budding artist besides! XXXOOO