Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Festivities!

Making Easter Cookies

(that's Flat cousin Kaleb helping us out with the cutting)

(against my usual tendency, I made a conscious decision to NOT be anal about the cookie icing, which made it fun to do with Abigail! I love how they turned out too!)

Easter Egg Hunting
(we got to do two hunts this year! We go to two playgroups and they both had one. We were sad to miss the family hunt at GG's house though!)

Abigail was so attached to her easter eggs that she played with her basket in hand, not putting them down even to go down the slide. Eventually I suggested that I could watch them.
(Click on the series below and it will enlarge)

Egg Dying
We were pleasantly surprised by the lack of egg dye catastrophes. They're all aged 3 and under!

(After 28 years, I finally figured out the secret to multi-colored egg dying!! It's not much to look at, but it was a huge progression in my egg dying skills!)

Easter Sunday
The LORD is risen indeed!!

Thank you Lord, for my precious family, here and away. Thank you for the wonderful friends you have blessed us with. But most of all, thank you for sending your son Jesus to die on a cross, overcome death, and offer every soul the chance of new life with you. And thank you for sending your Spirit to live within us until the end!


Gram said...

We, too, are so grateful for all of you and would have loved to have been with you to celebrate the Risen Christ! Abigail's basket is a size even a Grandma would have loved to have filled up! XXXOOO

Jake, Charissa, Abigail and Evie said...

I promise you, that basket looked so small at the store! :)

Courtney said...

I love these pictures, especially the one with Jake kissing Abigail. How precious!