Friday, May 15, 2009

Some funny things

Abigail is at the age where funny things come out of her mouth a lot and we are thoroughly enjoying it! Here are a few recent, but they are much funnier when heard in a sweet two year old voice:
  • In the car one night she had a water bottle. Be careful you don't spill it, I said. "Oh. Really careful, it could hurt you really bad? I could die?" "Oh! no, no, you won't die, it would just get water everywhere and make a mess, it wouldn't hurt." "Oh. Jesus say no-no?" (trying to hold the laughter back) "No I don't think Jesus minds if you spill your water, it's okay."
  • Abigail is looking through a basket of bath stuff. "What's this mommy? Papa get it for you?" (where in the world did that come from?) "That's a scrubber, Rachael got it for me!" "Oh. What's this? Rachael get it?" "That's body spray, I think Daddy got me that one," "Oh. Good job Daddy."
  • On any given day I say at dinner, "Abigail, tell Daddy what we did today." Abigail's eyes get real big, "We went zoo with Paul! Lions.. and giraffes.. and monkeys..."
  • I am putting a sweet little white shirt on Abigail. "Noooooo... I don't want it! I don't want mommy shirt! I want little girl shirt!" She looks at me like this is one of the worst things that has ever happened to her. Again stifling laughter, "This isn't mommy's shirt, it's a little girl shirt! See? It's little." The lip goes out further. "I don't want it." She tugs on the straps like they are shrinking tighter on her. "I don't want to be mommy." She is able to make herself look extremely uncomfortable. I make her go look in the mirror, but she still doesn't want it! That day she wore a bright blue shirt instead.
(the offending shirt)
  • Later that same day we turn on the music in the car (of course it is kid music, Abigail loves her music in the car). About a minute in I make some adjustments to the radio and the music briefly stops. Afraid that I am changing to the radio, Abigail protests,"I want kid music, mommy!"
  • Same day (wow, crazy day). We went to the dollar store with Courtney and Jonathan. She wanted something at the store and I told her that maybe we could get it for her birthday. She was just fine with that. She then picked out anything that she remotely liked at the store for the rest of the trip and declared that it was for her birthday too.

Well, she sounds like a demanding little girl from these posts, but believe me, these are just a glimpse. We have many please and thank yous and questions and I love yous too!

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