So today, the Friday/Saturday Five is for the Five Autumns we have lived in this house. We moved in during September of 2006 and it has been such a blessing to be here! Remembering how the Lord provided for us that summer in living situations gives me continued faith that He has the best plan and timing for our lives now. Though my time table said "Job by May of 2010," God has a different idea. I'm patiently waiting for Him to reveal it to us and I'm so thankful for His loving provision for us in the mean time.
The best way to mark these five autumns is by Abigail's pumpkin pictures for each year we were here. I've posted them before, but here they are again, with a new one!
1. October 2006
2. October 2007
3. October 2008
4. October 2009
5. October 2010