Friday, March 18, 2011

Proud and Otherwise Notable Moments

1. While Abigail and I were gone to Texas, my wonderful husband not only kept the house clean, but also fulfilled his promises to do dishes and vacuum, PLUS, he cleaned the gutters and pruned a plant that is trying to take over the house and backyard. I am very proud of him! Oh, and the milk wasn't gone either: *score!*

It took me no time at all to turn the spotlessly clean craft (coughdiningcough) table into this. Yes, I am ashamed.

2. While we were in the car once during our trip my little girl was asking me about dinosaurs and their bones, totally unprompted by me. She declared that she wanted to be a paleontologist when she grew up. Well, not in those words, but she said that she wanted to look for dinosaur bones and study them. Yes, this is very closely related to Archaeology, my minor in college *puffed out chest, proud smile.*  I have to say though, when I told her the next day that we were going to hang out with my dear friend Carissa and her boys at the the museum and see the dinosaurs, she looked shocked and asked, "A BOY thing?!"

 Abigail excavating a sea shell out of a block of sand molded into a... sea shell (I know, original, right?). She was very proud of herself.  I was proud of her too.

Abigail with Hosea and Josias, standing in front of an "ancient" shark's jaws. I think Jonah could have fit in there. But those are some sharp teeth!

3. I took photos at my very first event! I borrowed the awesome lens (yes mine are awesome too, this one is just particularly awesome for indoor event situations) and flash from a friend at church. I was very brave and asked a bunch of people, most of them quite taller them me (when did I get so short?) to turn around and get their pictures taken. However, I did realize that I am way not loud enough for people to hear me counting while my face is behind a camera and in a room containing people drinking alcohol and music loud enough for us to hear over everyone else talking. It all worked out though.

The lovely Brandi and Frank, who hired me to help for Brandi's brother's rehearsal dinner. I was there mostly as a setup/take down person, but took some pictures too, so it counts. By the way, if you need a party planner, Brandi is awesome at it!

4. Abigail has a new friend, a few new friends really, from our thrift store visits with my mom.

This is Bambi. Abigail named him well... Bambi. And to tell the truth, he might actually BE Bambi. She has seen the movie and read the book and did quite well with the whole, mother was shot and eaten and baby deer was left to fend for himself thing.

This is Bambi with his friend the cockatiel, who Abigail just informed me is named, Neel-silly-billy-ei-ei-ei. That means she doesn't have a name for him. They played together a lot on the way home from Texas.

And this, my dear readers, is what Bambi looked like when Abigail tied him up in a rubber band, cooked him on her play stove and handed him to me on a plate, saying, "Here. It has meat inside."

5. Today all three of us, independent of one another, picked orange shirts and blue bottoms (jeans for me and Jake, skirt for Abigail) to wear. Yes, we did actually wear them too. Though Jake only got to wear his non-work clothes after 8:45 pm today.

6. I cannot confirm or deny if the following video is of Abigail. It is most likely a video of a little girl who was put into a dry fountain by her mommy. The little girl may have been encouraged to look for silver coins, I do not know. I'm guessing, but I'm not sure, the money would certainly be a good thing for the little girl, since her mommy probably charges her ten cents every time she sees the little girl pick and eat a booger (If I were that mommy I would draw a distinction between picking vs. picking and eating. Because, lets face it, sometimes boogers have to be picked. They never have to be eaten) and the little girl is probably running low on dimes and nickels and her mommy doesn't want any more pennies. But I wouldn't know for certain.

However, if it was Abigail, I would feel compelled to explain that though the girl says, "I should get this one, in case I pick a nose," in the video, that does not mean that she is in the habit or even allowed to pick anyone's nose except her own (I definitely have a America's Funniest Home Videos clip in mind when I think of the permissibility of picking noses other than your own). I would also guess that she made $1.50. My husband just informed me that he thinks this is stealing.... hmmm... I was personally of the persuasion that if you have a fountain in a shopping center and you turn off the water and drain it unexplainably in the middle of spring (ah yes, it was 80 degrees today) and don't take the money out, that you are hoping and even expecting nimble, energetic youngsters to come clean it out for you. What do you think?

1 comment:

Courtney said...

All I all have to say about this entire post is that it made me laugh out loud and miss you guys!